{What's for Breakfast?} Simple and Easy Nutella Breakfast Wrap

April 16, 2016

{What's for Breakfast?} Simple and Easy Nutella Breakfast Wrap

Lately, I always find myself out of time to make breakfast. I used to make eggs, toast and ham with lemon water. But recently, I don't even make them anymore. I just don't have time! I have to multitask by throwing a piece of bread into the oven while I dress up for work. Once it's ready, I just spread my favourite Nutella and bring along with me to work. Since my workplace has a fruit station, I'll also take an apple to go with my Nutella toast. Quick and easy.

But even though I may not have the time before work to make any fancy breakfast, it doesn't have to be boring, right? Breakfast is the most important part of the day so it's time to change my breakfast a bit. This breakfast takes me less than 5 minutes to prepare. It's simple, easy and delicious!

{What's for Breakfast?} Simple and Easy Nutella Breakfast Wrap


  • 1 whole wheat tortilla wrap
  • Corn flakes cereal
  • Diced Strawberries or diced bananas


  1. Thinly spread Nutella on a tortilla
  2. Add diced strawberries
  3. Sprinkle corn flakes and cover the tortilla evenly
  4. Roll up the tortilla 
  5. Cut into halves
  6. Put into toaster oven and toast for 2 minutes and serve
{What's for Breakfast?} Simple and Easy Nutella Breakfast Wrap

{What's for Breakfast?} Simple and Easy Nutella Breakfast Wrap
You're done! Can you believe it's that simple?
Check out my other breakfast ideas here.

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About [span]me[/span]
Hello, I'm Lorita. Hoping to inspire you to explore and create things that make life a bit more fun and beautiful.
