7 Easy Food Art Ideas to Try While Staying Home - Ting and Things

7 Easy Food Art Ideas to Try While Staying Home

June 16, 2020

Food art might seem time-consuming to make. But now that we are staying home more than ever before because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have more time to explore new hobbies and do something fun, right? If you’re in the lookout for something creative to do indoor then you’re in luck! Today, I’m sharing 7 simple and easy food art ideas that you can try making at home. This is a perfect way to spark creativity with your kids too! Let’s continue to do our part to flatten the curve.

Write a Message

7 Easy Food Art Ideas to Try While Staying Home
Think of a message that you'd like to convey and construct it with food! This #stayhome food art I created using slices of swiss cheese and a slice of cinnamon raisin bread while in quarantine. Using alphabet cutters, I cut the alphabets to form the word and used a baked quiche for the letter, O. You can also explore different shapes with what's available in your fridge and pantry. For example, muffin, donut and a slice of lemon can also be used to form the letter, O. If you don't have alphabet cutters on hand, you can cut them with scissors. Or even write the message in another style, for example, you can form your message using spaghetti to make it calligraphy style!

What's the Weather Today?

7 Easy Food Art Ideas to Try While Staying Home

Is it sunny? or is it a rainy day out? While the weather doesn't really matter much when you're staying home most of the time, it's fun to show the weather forecast with your food! Here I created this food art using the basics - eggs, bacon, cheese and a slice of bread! I call it, "Cloudy with a Chance of Bacon". 

To create the cloud and sun, I first separated the egg yolk from the egg whites. I pan-fried the egg whites into a large circle and cut the fried egg white with scissors in a cloud shape. I then cooked the egg yolk so that it is slightly brown. I cut up the bacon and cheese slice to form the arc of a rainbow and cut a piece of bread to form the house. Lastly, assemble all the pieces on a solid coloured plate and you're done!

Tell a Story

7 Easy Food Art Ideas to Try While Staying Home

Think of a story to tell using the plate of food. It can be something that happened in your childhood or something memorable in your life. In this food art, my story is, "The Early Bird Gets the Worm". I grew up with this phrase and lived by it. I believed you have a greater advantage if you take action right away. And this is the story that I wanted to convey. I first whisked eggs into a bowl and pan-fried it into a large circle. Then I fold the circle in half and in half again. The fried egg would now look like the shape of a pizza slice. I tucked the corner of the fried egg underneath so that I'd have a round body for the bird. I sliced the tomatoes to form the wings and the beak. Using scissors, I cut a slice of an onion to form the feet. I spread spinach at the bottom of the plate and sprinkled some sunflower seeds for the field. The hardest part was the worm. I couldn't find anything that could depict it nicely. Thankfully, I had Lemon Poppy Seed salad dressing to the rescue, which made it super easy. I dragged the dressing longer on the plate and it already looked like a bird is biting a worm. Easy-peasy!

Create a Logo!

7 Easy Food Art Ideas to Try While Staying Home

A logo is bold with simple shapes. You can turn a logo of your team, your favourite superhero, music band or business logo with food. I created a superman logo using a slice of toast, cheese, bacon and strawberry jam. Read about my step-by-step here

Show Your Favourite Character!

7 Easy Food Art Ideas to Try While Staying Home

I was inspired by the shape and colour of my multigrain bread so I turned it into a Japanese cartoon character, Domo-Kun. You don't need a lot of ingredients either! Here, I used as few as a slice of bread, dabs of strawberry jam, blueberries, and banana slices only. It was too cute to eat! Read about my step-by-step here

Bring Out the Colours

7 Easy Food Art Ideas to Try While Staying Home

Take inspiration from the vibrant colours of different fruits and vegetables and create your masterpiece with them. I love using fruits. Not only because they're always available at my home, but they also make the art look that much more appealing and appetizing. This simple rainbow food art consists of strawberries, oranges and grapes! You can add more arcs to the rainbow by adding more fruits like lemon for yellow or blueberries for blue etc. I loved how this rainbow turned out! Finish off with some scrambled egg whites for the clouds and you're set!

Go Bananas!

7 Easy Food Art Ideas to Try While Staying Home

With food art, sky is the limit. There're endless possibilities. In this Nutella waffle, I turned the banana slices into alphabets to form a pun. I had so much fun coming up with these food puns!

I hope you guys enjoy these ideas. Check out more of my food art here. If you do give this a try, please share your pics with me on Instagram: @tingandthings! I would love to see what you come up with! Stay home and stay safe everyone!


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  1. My daughter will love this!

  2. Elizabeth OJune 17, 2020

    Those food art ideas are so cute. Kids would love that, they are definitely more likely to eat it.

  3. The pictures on this are SUPER Adorable.

  4. I always try to do food art for my kids. It really helps them eat healthy food! These are so much better than what I've made though. You gave me a lot of good ideas

  5. Marta SkeledžijaJune 19, 2020

    I use to do that for my kids, untill I learned that my kids will eat anything and everything on their plate even their greens and it dosent have to be in a art from. Like their parents my kids love food and to eat.

  6. I love these ideas. I try to make designs for the grandchildren when they spend the night, and will be happy to add these to my repertoire.

  7. My 8 year old will love the shapes. He will go enxtend of visiting kitchen more😆😆😆

  8. These are super cute! Food art is super popular here in Japan as it is in featured in the lunch boxes. I can't do it well but I see some wonderful food art!

  9. Such cute ideas! Gotta keep things fun.

  10. This is a post for my neices. They love food art. I will share it with them an they are gonna love it.

  11. Creativity at its finest !
    Thank you for sharing.

  12. These are so cute! I really like the plates with the rainbow and the weather.

  13. Oh they are so cute .. I’m definitely trying them at home.

  14. I LOVE these! So adorable! Especially the omelette bird. Will definitely use!

  15. This is a really nice post that made me smile. I know kids who would love their food like this. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Nutella waffles are my personal favorites. I love the creative approach you took with the addition of bananas, which I love too :)

  17. Super cool food art. what a creativity!!!

  18. hi
    i must tell you that these two themes that you spoke of - Think of a message that you'd like to convey and construct it with food

    Think of a story to tell using the plate of food

    these are super amazing indeed

  19. food art can be so much fun! these all look like fun ideas! my favourite is writing messages

  20. Love the early bird gets the worm! I guess it's true- we have the time to be creative and enjoy ourselves so we may as well have fun with it!

  21. Aww I cant wait til I have a kid so I can do this.

  22. Since we have a lot of time to spend at home kitchen became the most important place in the house. I love to try the food art ideas!

  23. This looks so much fun! I tried 'experimenting' during the quarantine, I did the shapes. It turn out weird but I enjoyed it.

  24. My daughters would love these! Especially the plate that tells a story

  25. This seems more like art and less like a food hahah. Amazingly done. Kudos!

  26. these ideas are so creative! i love the egg-cloud-breakfast!

  27. I need more of Let's Go Bananas in my life!

  28. Creating food art is a great activity for you and your kids while at home! This will also help in making them look forward to every meal.

  29. This looks like so much fun. My baby cousin would really enjoy this!

  30. My fiance is very into plating our food in a pretty way!


I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments! Come back soon :)

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Hello, I'm Lorita. Hoping to inspire you to explore and create things that make life a bit more fun and beautiful.
