How I Turned My Baby into Cup Noodles This Halloween (Costume DIY) - Ting and Things

How I Turned My Baby into Cup Noodles This Halloween (Costume DIY)

October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween folks!

I dress up Justice as CUP NOODLES for his first Halloween! Well, and also a piece of sushi to be exact (do you see a theme going on here?).

One of the things that I enjoy most in motherhood is that I get to dress him up. Even though his first Halloween this year doesn’t involve trick or treating or parties of sort, I still want to make it fun at least for pictures and for my own entertainment. Ha-ha. I need to cherish this time when I still get to decide what he is going to wear for Halloween because I doubt he's going to let me do that once he gets older.

I made this cup noodles or I should say "cute noodles" costume for him with my Cricut and few simple supplies. Follow along to see how I make this cup noodles costume for baby Justice.

DIY Baby Cup Noodles Halloween Costume


I got most of the supplies from Dollar Tree. To make diced carrots, I cut out 2-inch strips from the orange foam sheet and folded it in half, and glued it in place. This gave the carrots some thickness and dimension. Then with scissors, I cut them into square pieces.

The green peas were from the mini pom-poms. I didn't need to do anything there. For the noodles, I first wrapped the yellow yarn onto some wooden dowels. I think I did about 10 of them. Then I soaked all of them with water then baked them on parchment paper in my oven at about 200 degrees Fahrenheit until they were all dry (about 15 minutes).

Once they were dry, I unwrapped them from the dowels. And my curly instant noodles were done! Next, I glued the noodles onto the beanie along with the diced carrots and peas. As for the graphic, I first drew the logo with Illustrator and then cut it out using my Circut machine onto red and gold vinyl. With my old-fashion iron, I pressed them onto the onesie for about 30 seconds until the vinyl adhered completely. And that was it! 

Get my Cute Noodles SVG Cut File Here

DIY Baby Cup Noodles Halloween Costume

DIY Baby Cup Noodles Halloween Costume
DIY Baby Cup Noodles Halloween Costume

Cute Noodles - Much More Than a Cutie

What do you think of my cup noodles costume for Justice? Here're some photos of him in the costume. Can't wait to make another costume for him next year! You can also purchase this made to order onesie in my shop here.

Hope you guys all have a great and safe Halloween!

DIY Baby Cup Noodles Halloween Costume
DIY Baby Cup Noodles Halloween Costume

DIY Baby Cup Noodles Halloween Costume

DIY Baby Cup Noodles Halloween Costume

If you give this a try, be sure to share your pictures with me on IG @tingandthings_ or use hashtag #diywithting. I'd love to see your version!

Check out my other baby Halloween costume ideas.

Shop All Baby Apparel - Foodie Baby Collection

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  1. Oh my goodness he is adorable!! So sweet. You are so clever to come up with such a cute costume, and so crafty! Great job! You really nailed it! :) Hope you had a fabulous Halloween! :)

  2. I adore this costume! It's so cute and very creative, and your baby looks too cute as a cup of noodles.

  3. Aw so cute! I love his face in the picture with the chopsticks going for his noodles!

  4. so cute and very creative ,,,i bet you guys can do all kinds of holidays in your place..did you make something for haloween?

  5. OMG this is a hilarious baby and I love your genius idea! Let's send this to Nissin Corporation and I bet they will love it too :D

  6. This is so cute costume for toddlers for Halloween and your baby looks so adorable nice photos!

  7. He looks really cute with his curly mop of noodles.

  8. Hahah this is so cute. You are creative with these ideas and have a wonderful kid.

  9. So cute, omg I actually want to eat him !

  10. such a sweet costume idea (should I spicy?). That is so cute and so adorable!

  11. OMG, this is so creative and adorable. Job well done!

  12. ohh my...I really love all these adorable captures of your baby with the DIY noodles costumes :D Creativity max & really lovely on him :D Welldone Cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  13. I tried curling your yarn with a wooden dowel and wetting it and drying it out but it wouldn’t curl like your picture shown.. is there a step being missed ?

  14. I also used your method for curling the yarn and it did not work like yours. Any tips? I tried dabbing a little mod podge on the yarn before baking and that helped a bit.

    1. I just soaked them in water and baked them until dry. Not sure if it’s the type of yarn you use that makes the difference


I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments! Come back soon :)

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Hello, I'm Lorita. Hoping to inspire you to explore and create things that make life a bit more fun and beautiful.
