DIY Christmas Letter Garland For You Tree (Free Template) - Ting and Things

DIY Christmas Letter Garland For You Tree (Free Template)

November 19, 2020

DIY Christmas Letter Garland For You Tree (Free Template)

It's that time of the year again! One of my greatest joys for the holidays is that I can get creative and crafty to decorate my home. I like to deck out my home and get as festive as I can starting from the Christmas tree. But, nice, sparkly decorations can be expensive. So I often go for the DIY route. I believe that you don't need to spend a lot of money to make your tree or your home pretty. And this tutorial will show you how.

Since moving into this home, I've been adding something new to the tree every year. And this year is no different. Some of my DIY decorations made it to this blog like these gold hand-lettering ornaments were a huge hit. With some time (and perhaps some crafty hands), you can also turn inexpensive items into impressive holiday decorations. This Christmas letter garland is definitely one of them!

DIY Christmas Letter Garland For You Tree (Free Template)

How to Make Christmas Letter Garland for Your Tree


  • Glitter Fabric or Glitter Paper - I got my glitter fabric in a roll from Dollarama for $2! I love the champagne gold colour.
  • Illustration Board -got mine from Curry's
  • Fish String/Twine or Cotton Rope - I used fish string for invisibility
  • Glue Gun and Glue Stick
  • Cricut or any cutting machine (optional)
  • Cricut's Knife Blade
  • Scissors or Exact-o-knife
  • A Template - or you can use mine 


For those with a cutting machine - 
Download my template and load onto your cutting machine. Cut it out onto the illustration board and the glitter material. I used an illustration board because the thickness is what makes the garland look fancy and expensive. The material is durable and hard. I wanted my garland to withstand the test of time and be able to handle wear and tear.

For those without a cutting machine - 
First, you'll need to create a template using a bold sans serif font. System fonts such as Arial Bold also works well for garland. To create a template, type out the words in the size that you want your garland to be. For my garland, each letter is 4.25" in height. Print it out in outline and cut each letter out. Trace these letters onto the illustration board and cut the letters out using scissors. 

Once you've cut out both glitter paper and illustration board, glue them together using a glue stick or scrapbooking adhesive.

Attach a piece of fish string to the back of the letters using a glue gun. To determine the length, I first measured the distance I want the letters to be on my tree before I glue them to the fish string. This is the beauty of DIYs, you can customize it however you want to your liking.

Finish up by tying both ends with a loop for easier hanging on the tree.

DIY Christmas Letter Garland For You Tree (Free Template)

Check out my Gold Handlettering Ornaments DIY here

That's it! I love how this turned out! The champagne glitters make the garland that much more magical. I even made a smaller version for my studio space.

Download my Falalala Template here.

I hope you like this DIY tutorial! If you give this a try, be sure to share your pictures with me on Instagram and tag @tingandthings_ or use hashtag #diywithting. I'd love to see your take on it!

Check out my other Christmas DIY ideas!

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  1. I will be using this garland to decorate my backroom wall it looks stunning and not super expensive!!

  2. This looks stunning and super inexpensive, I will be adding this to my decorations for this Christmas!!

  3. This is a really cute idea, I like how it turned out! Your tree is beautiful.

  4. So I dont know if I would want to hang this DIY Christmas letter garland from the tree cause we have tons of ornaments. But as I type, I am literally looking at a hanging from the mantel of my fireplace that says thankful that my wife hung! So, she would love this project for Christmas for sure!

  5. This is so cute DYI Christmas letter garland from the tree and it looks easy to make. We don't have Christmas tree but this is so awesome.

  6. So creative! I would've never thought you made these your self but bought it from Walmart or target.

  7. This is so cute! I want to try and make this for my tree. I could find plenty of uses of this DIY around my house.

  8. This garland looks so precious - and it actually doesn't seem to be that difficult to make?!

  9. Ah this is such a good idea and I love the idea of making my own decorations, then I'm not buying everything that might be put in the bin at the end of the season. This looks so professional too!

  10. I love DIY ornaments for Christmas tree. The letter Garland looks beautiful on the tree

  11. Since I don't celebrate Christmas I've never had a Christmas tree in my house. But after reading how easily this is done, I think I'm gonna decorate any tree in my compound...not for Christmas but for it's beauty. Thanks for sharing this. It's wonderful.

  12. You are so lucky you can have a Christmas tree! I haven't had one up for 5 years. My cat always destroys it LOL


I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments! Come back soon :)

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About [span]me[/span]
Hello, I'm Lorita. Hoping to inspire you to explore and create things that make life a bit more fun and beautiful.
