5 Tips to Look After Your Teeth

January 16, 2021

Your teeth are incredibly important in your everyday life, so making sure they are healthy is vital. There are many ways in which to do this, and setting up a good oral hygiene routine will help to keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy. Many elements can affect your teeth, from what food and drink you consume, to genetic susceptibility. Looking after your oral health is just as important as any other kind of health, and by regularly brushing, seeing your dentist and having a good diet you can work to keep them as healthy as possible. Here are just a few basic tips to help keep your teeth healthy.


It's no surprise that brushing your teeth at least twice a day is one of the best and most important ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Cleaning your teeth every day helps protect against a huge range of tooth problems such as tooth decay and gum disease, so it is vital that you do it. Brushing for two minutes twice a day will help to keep them healthy. There are many different kinds of toothbrushes to choose from, including electric ones, and also different types of bristles on the brush. You can even get bamboo toothbrushes that are good for the planet, as well as biodegradable heads for your electric toothbrush.

Flossing is another important part of keeping your teeth clean, as the dental floss can reach small areas between your teeth that a toothbrush may not have access to. Furthermore, it is important to brush your tongue, roof of your mouth and the inside of your cheeks, as well as your teeth, as bacteria can live in all of these places and can lead to issues such as halitosis. There are also plenty of different types of toothpaste available, and your dentist will be able to recommend the best one for you.

If you have children, you will know how difficult it can sometimes be to get them to brush their teeth properly. However, there are plenty of ways to make this task less of a chore. Making a big family event of brushing your teeth can help them understand that everyone has to do it. Brushing your teeth at the same time as your kids do shows them that there is nothing to worry about and that it is just a normal part of life. You can also get musical toothbrushes that will play a tune for two minutes to ensure that your child is brushing for the right amount of time. Not only does this make it more interesting, it may help stop them from getting bored or distracted. Encouraging good brushing routines at an early age will help them to keep these habits as they get older.


As well as brushing, maintaining a good, balanced diet will help keep your teeth in good condition and this includes what you drink. Calcium is very good for your teeth as it helps to strengthen the enamel. Drinking milk is a great way to get this nutrition. Acidic and sugary drinks can have a negative impact on your teeth, so it is recommended to reduce the amount of these types of drinks you consume, and to drink them through a straw whenever possible.

Coffee and black tea can also stain your teeth, so you can try swapping that extra cup of coffee for water or even green tea. After drinking something that could damage your teeth, it is important not to brush your teeth right away, as the enamel is already weakened and brushing could harm it further. It is recommended to wait around 30 minutes before brushing.


Eating healthily is good for your whole body, as well as your teeth. Consuming foods that are high in calcium will help strengthen tooth enamel, working to prevent issues such as cavities. Dairy foods like cheese and yogurt have a high calcium content, but there are also plenty of options for vegans or those will a dairy intolerance. Non-dairy foods with high calcium content include beans, almonds and leafy green vegetables, all of which are great for your whole body.

Acidic and sugary foods are obviously bad for your teeth and should not be over-consumed as they can weaken the tooth enamel, which can result in tooth problems such as cavities. Other foods that are great for your teeth and gums include oily fish, whole grains and strawberries. Vitamins A, C, D, phosphorus and calcium are just five of the most important vitamins to keep your teeth healthy, so try to add food and drinks that contain these to your diet, as part of a balanced diet to keep your whole body as healthy as possible.


It is vital to regularly visit your dentist in order to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible. They will be able to spot any problems and recommend the best courses of treatment. There are many tooth issues that may appear throughout your life, so it is important to frequently visit your dentist and stay on top of your oral health, rather than waiting for a problem to occur. Your dentist will be able to advise you on many things, including your diet, brushing habits and treatment options for any problems. Best Dental can offer you a lot of useful information, as well as treatments such as dental implants, which can make a huge difference to your everyday life, not only in your chewing but also in your smile and confidence.

Common Tooth Problems

There are plenty of tooth and gum issues that you may face throughout your life, and while maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental visits will help protect against them, sometimes they can still occur. Here are a few of the most common tooth problems:

Gum disease: this is caused by a bacterial infection that results in inflammation and swelling in the gums. It can result in tooth loss if untreated and can be very painful and uncomfortable. Smoking, some types of medication and illnesses, and genetic susceptibility can all be risk factors of gum disease.

Cavities: when the tooth enamel is weakened, the tooth can begin to decay and permanent holes called cavities can appear. They are often caused by bad oral hygiene, consuming too many acidic foods and drinks and a build-up of bacteria. Visible holes, toothache and tooth sensitivity are just a few of the symptoms of a cavity, but you may not always be able to tell when one is forming. This is why regular dental check-ups are important because your dentist will be able to spot them.

Bruxism: also known as tooth-grinding, this can be caused by a wide variety of things and can result in tooth damage, headaches and gum recession, among other things. Factors such as sleep apnea, the positions of your teeth and jaw and emotional and developmental issues can all result in bruxism. It is sometimes treated with a mouth guard, that is shaped to fit your teeth and prevents them from being ground together. They are usually worn while you sleep, as this is when the grinding commonly occurs.

Regular dentist checks and a good oral hygiene routine are incredibly important in maintaining good oral health, and managing any issues you may face. There are many tooth issues that you may come across, but it is important to keep your teeth and gums as strong and healthy as possible by cleaning them, eating a balanced diet, and regularly seeing a specialist. Alternatively, consider consulting for Orthodontic Treatment in White Rock

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