5 Beauty and Skincare Preparation Tips from the Pros

November 27, 2023

Taking care of your skin is integral not just to your appearance, but also your overall well-being. For those in pursuit of radiant skin and flawless beauty, however, skincare is elevated to a life-long necessity and general focus of daily life.

Whether you are just starting your skincare journey, or are an enthusiast looking for a new approach, listening to expert advice is one of the best ways to enhance your results. That is why we have gathered five beauty and skincare preparation tips straight from the pros, so you can incorporate their insights into your preparation routine.

1. Start with a Clean Canvas: The Importance of Cleansing

Before you start applying all of the necessary serums and creams, the most foundational tip for any skincare routine is cleansing your skin. Celebrity makeup artists and skincare experts universally agree that this method prepares the skin for the day and any additional products that are required.

Cleansing removes all sorts of impurities from the skin, whether it is leftover makeup, natural oils, or carefully hidden dirt. By removing these obstacles from the skin’s barrier, subsequent products can have an easier time penetrating the skin, maximizing their effectiveness.

Pro Tip: Renowned makeup artist Bobbi Brown’s book ‘Teenage Beauty’ suggests the best way to cleanse your skin is by using a gentle product that matches your skin type. Regardless if you prefer a gel, cream, or micellar water, you must simply remain consistent; cleanse your face morning and night.

2. Hydration is Non-Negotiable: Drink Water and Moisturise

Hydration is key! No matter your age or skin type, hydration is the foundation of a youthful and luminous appearance. Skincare and makeup professionals alike typically emphasize both internal and external hydration, with plenty of drinking water being balanced with regular application of hydrating products.

Pro Tip: Beauty powerhouse magazine Vogue speaks up on the importance of hydrating your skin and how easy it is to achieve. Consistent water intake leaves a dewy complexion anyone is sure to adore. Meanwhile, regular application of a moisturizer plumps out the skin and leaves it smooth for easy makeup application. You are sure to glow with a combination of the two.

3. Prep Your Skin with Professional Techniques: Primer and Massage

Do not waste your efforts to hydrate and cleanse your skin by directly applying your makeup products. Skincare preparation is best done by incorporating primers and facial massage into your routine.

The primer product creates a smooth surface across the skin and reduces the appearance of enlarged pores. This makes it easier to apply makeup, while also ensuring it lasts longer, no matter what the day brings.

In turn, facial massages, while seemingly simple, do wonders for your skin. A short massage can stimulate the flow of blood, aiding in the drainage of lymphatic fluid. This reduces any puffiness in your face and promotes an overall healthy-looking complexion.

Pro Tip: Makeup artist Lisa Eldridge keeps her skincare advice simple by suggesting a hydrating primer for dry skin and a mattifying one for oily skin. Application for these products should be done in a gentle massage, enhancing circulation and relaxing facial muscles to create a prime makeup canvas.

4. Invest in Quality Products: The Power of Professional-Grade Skincare

Although it can be more affordable, and sometimes more easily accessible, to buy drugstore variety skincare products, they do not have the same benefits as professional-grade ones. It is not uncommon for higher quality products to contain certain formulations or ingredients that are not available in drugstore buys. The inclusion of these ingredients can make a significant difference in the health and appearance of your skin.

Pro Tip: Skincare expert and esthetician Renee Rouleau recommends incorporating products with active ingredients like retinol, antioxidants, and peptides into your routine. They are typically included in professional-grade products, offering the chance to target specific skin concerns effectively. However, new products should always be introduced carefully over time, giving your skin the chance to adjust and reap maximum benefits.

5. Tailor Your Routine to Your Skin’s Needs: Personalisation is Key

There is no one way to approach skincare, and the professionals are one of the first to recognise this. Everyone’s skin is unique in its types and concerns, with one specific routine or product working well for a person not necessarily benefitting another.

That is why a personalized skincare routine is integral to improving your skin and its health. The best way to create your own skincare routine is by understanding your skin type, concerns, and factors that may be affecting your skin.

Pro Tip: Skincare guru Caroline Hirons stresses the significance of listening to your skin. Do not continue pressing on with the usage of a product if you think it is not working for you. Always take the time to switch to one that is better suited to your skin type and needs.

If you need help making a match, try discussing with a dermatologist your options and whether you need professional skincare treatments like chemical peels to rejuvenate your skin. You can find more here about how to prepare for such an extensive treatment.


While some of creating your optimal skincare routine is experimenting and trying out what feels right, expert insights into preparation techniques can elevate your routine further. The tips outlined in this article provide the basis of a roadmap to achieving radiant, healthy skin, but sticking to it is a personal effort.

Remember, consistency is key, and your routine must be regularly adjusted to fit your skin’s evolving needs. This means a personalized approach is what ensures an effective approach to beauty and skincare. Whether you're a skincare novice or a seasoned enthusiast, these professional tips can elevate your routine and contribute to a more confident and radiant you.

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